20 Funniest Soccer Jokes for Kids

Why did Cinderella get kicked off the soccer team?
Because she kept running away from the ball.
What lights up a soccer stadium?
A soccer match!
Why are soccer stadiums so cool?
Because of all the fans.
Why don’t fish play soccer?
They’re afraid of the net.
Why did the soccer player bring string to the game?
So she could tie the score.
What is a soccer player’s favorite type of tea?
What do you call a ghost’s favorite soccer position?
Why did the soccer ball go to the doctor?
It needed stitches.
Why don’t grasshoppers play soccer?
They prefer cricket.
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Why did the soccer player sit on the sideline and draw pictures of chickens?
He was learning how to draw fowls.
Why did the soccer ball quit the team?
It was tired of being kicked around.
What is a soccer player’s favorite candy?
What did the soccer ball say to his friend?
“I get a real kick out of you!”
How do soccer players stay cool?
They stand near the fans.
What do you call a soccer player who tells jokes?
A pun-alty kicker.
Why did the soccer player take his suitcase to the game?
He wanted to pack the defense.
What do you call a soccer player who likes to dance?
A footballerina.
What’s the best place to shop for a new soccer uniform?
New Jersey.
Why couldn’t the all-star soccer player listen to music?
Because he broke all the records.