The Match Lab

11 Obvious Signs That He’s 'The One'


Whether you’re just starting to date or you’re long into your relationship, it’s normal to wonder whether he’s your life partner or just a step along the road.

Here Are 11 Signs He’s ‘The One’

1. You Feel at Ease When You’re Around Him

Feeling comfortable around someone is a crucial aspect of any lasting relationship.

In a healthy relationship, you can openly discuss any topic, even the ones considered taboo, without feeling uneasy.

When you can share your thoughts, beliefs, and emotions with your partner without fear of judgment or rejection, you’re able to be your true self.

This in turn fosters a true connection based on trust and emotional intimacy.

If you feel this level of comfort with your partner, then this is a powerful sign that he might be the one for you.

Read: 10 Early Signs You’ve Met ‘The One’

2. You Feel Safe Expressing Emotions Around Him

Being with someone who makes you feel comfortable also means you can express your emotions, positive or negative, without holding back.

You know that if you’re going through a difficult time, he’s not only willing to listen but also provide comfort and support.

This emotional security is key.

At the same time, you should also feel comfortable around him when things are at their best.

You should be able to share in his joy and happiness, and he should be able to do the same for you.

The ability to share both your highs and lows is a sign of a strong, long-lasting, compatible connection.

Read: 5 Reasons Why People Are Giving Up on Dating

3. You Feel Emotionally Connected

By paying attention to certain signs of a true emotional connection, you can get a better idea of whether the guy you’re with is the one for you.

When you’re with the right guy, you should feel comfortable, confident, and safely vulnerable around him.

Sexual Acceptance

Another important aspect to look for is the presence of sexual acceptance.

This doesn’t necessarily mean just physical attraction, but also a strong emotional bond and the ability to communicate openly about your desires and needs.

If you feel like your partner accepts, respects, and cares about your sexual needs and wants, then that’s a good sign he’s the one worth keeping around.

Emotional Commitment

Remember that love is a commitment.

When someone truly loves you and is the one for you, they’re willing to work through challenges and invest in building a strong and lasting relationship.

This means showing dedication, responsibility, and nurturing emotional growth as the relationship evolves.

Read: 11 Ways Guys Know When They’ve Met ‘The One’

4. There’s Mutual Trust and Respect

Trust and respect are key components in fostering a healthy relationship.

And when the guy you’re dating is the one, you’ll feel these signs of trust and respect present in your relationship.


When you trust your partner, it means you have confidence in their honesty and reliability.

Trust is built over time, as your partner consistently demonstrates that he’s dependable and faithful, that he resolves conflicts fairly, and that he supports your goals and dreams.


Respect is about valuing your partner’s feelings, opinions, and boundaries.

If your partner listens attentively to your thoughts and emotions without interrupting or dismissing you, if he honors your boundaries, and if he supports your passions, then he respects you and that’s a green flag he could be the one.

Read: 4 Reasons Why Confidence is So Attractive

5. Honest and Open Communication

To know if he’s the one, pay close attention to your communication as a couple.

Honest and open communication is a strong sign of a healthy relationship.

If you and your partner are direct and truthful when expressing your thoughts and feelings to each other, then that’s a good sign.

A partner who frequently avoids confrontation or keeps their feelings hidden isn’t the one.

When facing problems, reflect on how you both handle challenges:

Are your discussions focused on finding solutions, or do they devolve into arguments?

Do you leave hard conversations feeling supported or isolated?

The ability to address issues without resorting to blame or defensiveness is crucial for a lasting and loving connection.

If a guy can’t do this with you, then he definitely isn’t the one.

Read: 5 Signs of Chemistry on a First Date: How to Know It Went Well

6. Good Conflict Resolution Skills

When you assess your partner’s conflict resolution skills, you’re aiming to determine how well he handles conflicts or stressful situations.

How are his listening skills?

Pay attention to his listening skills.

Active listening is a critical aspect of resolving conflicts.

See if your partner is willing to let you speak and if he genuinely tries to understand your perspective.

If he works on being patient and showing empathy, without interrupting or jumping to conclusions, then he’s on his way to being your person.

How does he express his feelings?

A key aspect of resolving conflicts is being able to communicate your emotions calmly and effectively.

Your partner should be able to articulate his thoughts and feelings without attacking or blaming you.

A guy who’s the one for you will respect your feelings, even if he disagrees with you.

What’s his problem-solving mindset?

Consider his approach to problem-solving.

Your partner should engage in a collaborative and constructive way, seeking solutions that benefit both of you.

Look for evidence of his willingness to compromise, be flexible, and find a common ground.

He should be open to feedback and able to handle constructive criticism without becoming defensive or dismissive.

When he’s the one, he should be dedicated to resolving the issue rather than winning the argument.

Read: The Psychology of Submissive Men

7. He Considers Your Shared Future

Pay attention to how he talks about your future plans, marriage, and family.

A strong sign that he’s your person is that he actively discusses long-term plans with you and your visions align. It feels right.

These plans might include topics like moving in together, getting a pet, or even planning vacation trips. 

Another significant sign is his willingness to meet and connect with your family, as well as introducing you to his own.

Integration into each other’s family life demonstrates his intention to be part of your life in the long run.

Keep an eye on his language use.

If he often uses “we” when talking about the future, it’s a positive sign that he envisions both of you together.

This simple pronoun can reveal a lot about his perspective on your relationship.

Read: 8 Signs He Wants to Define the Relationship

8. He Accepts Your Quirks (And You Accept His)

Another thing to consider is how you handle each other’s quirks.

No one is perfect, and everyone has their unique habits and traits.

Think about how you both react to each other’s quirks, whether you find them endearing or irritating.

A healthy relationship involves understanding and acceptance of each other’s imperfections.

Read: 10 Reasons Why He’s So Into You So Soon

9. He Allows You to Maintain Your Individuality

It’s crucial to have your own interests and maintain personal space in a healthy relationship.

Striking a balance between common interests with a partner and individual personal growth ensures a richer, more fulfilling relationship.

When he’s truly the one, he’ll give you the space you need to thrive in who you are.

Read: 10 Signs He Wants to Make You His Girlfriend

11. He Balances Your Needs with His Own

In any relationship, it is essential to find a balance between your own needs and the needs of your partner.

Your relationship with a guy you think might be the one should feel well-balanced.

That means both of you should feel supported, respected, and valued.

Thoughtful and Empathic Listening

One crucial aspect of balance involves being kind and thoughtful towards one another.

You should make an effort to listen to your partner’s feelings and show empathy when it’s needed.

It’s important to be there for them, offer support and encouragement, and genuinely care about their well-being.


Sacrifice also plays a key role in balancing your relationship.

Sometimes, you will need to make small compromises for the sake of your partner’s happiness.

These sacrifices can include anything from giving up plans with friends to accommodate their schedule or being patient and understanding when they need time to themselves.

Keep in mind that sacrifices should not be one-sided; both partners should contribute to maintaining the balance.

A guy who’s the one will respect this two-way balance of sacrifice.

Adapting to Change

Another factor to consider is the ability to adapt and change as your relationship grows.

People evolve over time, and so do relationships.

You and your partner may encounter new challenges or opportunities that require adjustments in how you relate to one another or manage your lives together.

When you’re with the one, you two can embrace these changes and work together to ensure your relationship remains balanced.

Read: This is Your Love Language, According to Your Zodiac Sign

Key Points: Knowing He’s Your Person

Recognizing if he’s the one for you comes down to considering multiple aspects of your relationship.

First, keep in mind that you should focus on signs of compatibility rather than just the exciting stages of lust and attraction. Sharing similar values and goals is a strong indication of a lasting relationship.

Second, pay attention to how you both communicate effectively and respect one another’s opinions. Feeling safe, supported, and cared for is essential.

Third, the way you both handle difficulties together and find joy even in mundane activities can be a clear sign of compatibility. Relationships that are built on a foundation of friendship, trust, and genuine love are more likely to last long term.

Finally, trust your intuition and observe how you feel about yourself when you’re with your partner. If you feel supported, cherished, and able to grow as both individuals and as a couple, chances are you have found the one.

Remember, you always deserve someone who brings out the best in you and makes your life better.

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