The Match Lab

20 Best Car Jokes


Why did the car break up with the GPS? It was tired of being told where to go.

Why did the car apply for a new job? It wanted to shift gears.

What’s a car’s favorite game? Fuel-in-the-blank.

How do cars keep their secrets? They auto-lock.

Why was the car cold? It left its windows down.

Why was the car so motivated? It was always driven.

Why did the car get tired? It had an exhaust problem.

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Why don’t software engineers drive Volkswagen? They’re too buggy.

Why did the car get an award at school? For outstanding performance.

What do you call a car that’s always joking? A Pun-tiac.

What do you call a car that’s a good cook? A Chef-rolet.

Why did the car go to the concert? To listen to some heavy metal.

Why did the car go to the spa? To get a wax.

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Why was the car always smiling? It had a grill to show off.

Why was the car always fit? It had regular tune-ups.

Why was the car always tired? It kept running out of gas.

Why did the car break up with the road? It was a one-way street.

Why was the car always calm? It had cruise control.

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