The Match Lab

35 Best Potato Jokes


How do potatoes resolve an argument? They hash it out.

Why did the potato smoke weed? It wanted to get baked.

Why did the potato go to the hospital? It had tuber-culosis.

What do you call an evil potato? Darth Tater.

How do you compliment a baked potato? You butter it up.

What’s a potato’s favorite horror movie? Silence of the Yams.

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What’s a potato’s favorite TV show? Starch Trek.

What do you call a boring potato who’s good at math? A square root.

Why are potatoes so supportive? They’re always rooting for each other.

What’s a potato’s life motto? “Fry hard and prosper.”

Why don’t potatoes ever beat tomatoes in a race? Because they can’t ketchup.

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Why didn’t the potato ever sit down at work? His boss told him not to be a couch potato.

What do you call the potato who can’t make a decision? A hesi-tater.

How do potatoes stay in shape? By doing tater tots.

Why did the potato win an award? It was outstanding in its field.

What do you call a potato who’s a comedian? A “chip” off the old block.

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What’s a potato’s favorite book? Lord of the Fries.

Why was the potato so jumpy? It was a hot potato.

What’s a potato’s favorite musical instrument? The tuber.

What do you call a potato watching a sports game? A spec-tater.

Why did the potato go to the beach? To make some sun chips.

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Why did the potato go to the bar? To get smashed.

What do you call a potato that’s a philosopher? A deep fryer.

What’s a potato’s least favorite day of the week? Fry day.

Why did the potato become a lawyer? To hash out legal issues.

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What’s a potato’s favorite drink? Root beer.

Why did the potato go to the museum? To see the mash-terpieces.

How did the potato lose a lot of weight? By “peeling” off the pounds.

What do you call a potato that’s a superhero? Spud-erman.

What’s a potato’s life philosophy? “I think, therefore I yam.”

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