The Match Lab

35 Best DJ Jokes


Why did the DJ go to the doctor? He had a sick beat.

Why was the DJ a bad fisherman? He always dropped the bass.

What’s a DJ’s favorite vegetable? Turnip.

How does a DJ pay his bills? With a sound check.

Why was the DJ so bad at boxing? He could never find the right hook.

What do you call a DJ spinning in a vegetable patch? Beets by Dre.

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Why did the DJ get a job at the construction site? He was great at laying down tracks.

What do you call a DJ who’s also a farmer? A crop jockey.

How does a DJ make an omelet? He breaks it down and mixes it up.

Why did the DJ start gardening? He wanted to plant some fresh beets.

What’s a DJ’s favorite type of pasta? Remix-oli.

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What’s a DJ’s favorite kind of fish? A bass.

Why did the DJ get in trouble at the golf course? He kept scratching the greens.

How do DJs clean their clothes? They put a spin cycle on.

Why did the DJ go to the psychiatrist? He had a split personality – one for each turntable.

What’s a DJ’s favorite party game? Spin the bottle.

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How does a DJ give criticism? By giving feedback.

How does a DJ tell someone he loves them? “You make my heart skip a beat.”

Why do DJs love recycling? They’re always breaking down and reusing beats.

Why was the DJ a good painter? He knew how to mix the colors.

What’s a DJ’s favorite type of exercise? Spin class.

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What’s a DJ’s favorite vegetable? Beets.

Why was the DJ a good comedian? He knew how to drop the punchline.

How does a DJ let you know he’s sad? “I’m feeling a little off-beat today.”

Why are DJs great at building railroads? They know all the tracks.

What do you call a DJ with a PhD? A mixologist.

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