The Match Lab

25 Best Soccer Jokes


What’s a soccer player’s favorite beverage? Penal-tea.

Why did the soccer player go to jail? For shooting the ball.

How do soccer players stay cool during a game? They stand near the fans.

Why did the soccer player sit on the sideline and draw pictures of chickens? He was learning how to draw fowls.

Why didn’t the soccer player every check his phone? He loved missed calls.

Why did the soccer player get hired at every job? Every employer knew he was goal-oriented.

Read: 31 Soccer Pick Up Lines

Why did the soccer player bring string to the game? To tie up the score.

What’s a soccer player’s favorite candy? Kick-Kats.

What do soccer players and magicians have in common? Both do hat tricks.

Why did the soccer player take up knitting? To weave through the defense more effectively.

What do you call a soccer player who’s also a comedian? A pun-alty expert.

What’s a soccer player’s favorite type of cake? A bundt cake.

Read: 35 Best Basketball Jokes

What’s a ghost’s favorite soccer position? Ghoul-keeper.

Why was the soccer field so wet? The players dribbled all over it.

Why do soccer players make terrible bank robbers? Because their shots always get saved.

Why did the soccer player become a gardener? He was great at planting shots.

Hoes does a soccer player start a work meeting? By kicking things off.

How did the soccer player get so drunk? He took too many shots.

Read: 62 Sports Pick Up Lines for an MVP Flirt Game

Why are soccer stadiums so cold? Every seat has a fan in it.

Why did the soccer player go to the farm? To practice his field goals.

Why did the soccer player become a tailor? He had a knack for stitching up the defense.

Why are soccer players so good at gardening? They know how to seed the field.

Why are soccer players so good at recycling? They know how to reuse and repurpose their shots.

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