The Match Lab

35 Best Basketball Jokes


What’s a basketball player’s least favorite restaurant? In-N-Out Burger.

Why don’t basketball players go on vacation? They would get called for traveling.

Why are basketball players messy eaters? They’re always dribbling.

What’s a basketball player’s favorite dessert shop? Dunkin’ Donuts!

DALL·E 2024 04 12 12.41.35 A cartoon image of a basketball player mid air dunking a basketball with one hand while holding a donut in the other hand. The player is athletic we Medium

What do you call a basketball player who misses dunks? Alley-oops!

Why do basketball players also make for great farmers? They’re experts in the field.

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Why was Cinderella thrown off the basketball team? She ran away from the ball.

How do basketball players stay cool? They stand next to their fans.

What do you call a pig that plays basketball? A ball hog.

Why couldn’t the basketball player listen to music? Because he broke the record.

Why did the basketball player sit on the sideline and sketch pictures of chickens? He was learning how to draw fowls.

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Why did the basketball player go to jail? Because he shot the ball.

Why do basketball players love cookies with milk? Because they can dunk them!

DALL·E 2024 04 12 12.44.00 A cartoon image of a basketball player in action at a basketball court creatively dunking cookies into a large glass of milk instead of a basketball Medium

What do you call a basketball player with a big beard? James Harden.

Why did the basketball team visit the bakery? To get turnovers.

Why did the basketball player bring a duck to the game? He wanted to shoot a fowl shot.

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Why do basketball players love donuts? They can’t resist Dunkin’.

What do you call a basketball player who misses all his shots? A brick layer.

Why did the basketball player go to therapy? He couldn’t bounce back.

Why did the basketball team bring brooms to the game? They were ready for a clean sweep.

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What do you call a basketball player who writes poetry? A verse-atile player.

What’s a basketball player’s favorite dance move? The crossover.

Why did the basketball player go to the doctor? He got his ankles broken.

Why did the basketball player get a job at the bakery? He was great at making turnovers.

What’s a basketball player’s favorite type of music? Hip-hop.

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Why did the basketball player get a pet bird? He heard it was great at wing play.

Why did the basketball player become a pilot? He was great at taking off.

What do you call a basketball player who’s good at fishing? A guy who gets all net.

Why did the basketball player become a lawyer? He enjoyed arguing calls more than playing the game.

Why do farmers admire basketball players? They’re #FieldGoals.

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