The Match Lab

30 Best Bald Jokes


Why did the bald man get a pet rabbit? To have at least some hare in his life.

What do you call lice on a bald man’s head? Homeless.

Why are bald people great at meditating? They’re naturally clear-headed.

How did the bald guy score 100 points in a basketball game? He bald out.

Why don’t bald people use keys? Because they’ve already lost their locks.

Why can’t a bald man ever have a bad hair day? He doesn’t have any hair any day.

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Why did the bald man’s wig go on vacation? It needed a break from the daily grind.

What’s a bald man’s favorite animal? A bald eagle.

Why do bald men run so fast? No hair means no wind resistance.

What’s a bald man’s favorite drink? A smoothie.

What’s a bald man’s favorite game? Shine and seek.

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How do bald people send secret messages? Through shine language.

What do you call a balding gardener? A man who’s lost his roots.

How does a bald man make a fashion statement? With a bold headband.

What’s a bald man’s favorite type of hair gel? Gloss, for that extra shine.

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Why did the bald man become a florist? He appreciated the beauty of bare stems.

What’s a bald man’s least favorite type of pasta? Angel hair.

How does a bald man stay warm in winter? With a snug beanie.

Why did the bald man’s wig go to the therapist? It had attachment issues.

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