The Match Lab

36 Best Ice Cream Jokes


Why was the ice cream so bad at tennis? It had a soft serve!

What’s an ice cream’s favorite TV show? Game of Cones!

Why did the ice cream go to church? To become a sundae school teacher!

Why did the ice cream go to therapy? It had too many rocky roads.

Why are ice cream cones great at gossiping? They always have the scoop!

Why did the ice cream start crying? It had an emotional meltdown!

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What do you call an ice cream cone that likes to tell jokes? A punsicle!

What do you call an ice cream that’s a good detective? A sherbet Holmes!

What’s an ice cream’s favorite weather? A light drizzle with sprinkles!

What’s a vampire’s favorite ice cream flavor? Vein-illa!

Why did the ice cream go to the party? To chill out with friends!

Why did the ice cream get an award? It was the cream of the crop!

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What’s an ice cream’s favorite place to visit? Cone-ey Island!

Why did the ice cream write a flirty text? It wanted to Netflix and chill!

Why did the ice cream join the gym? It wanted to get in mint condition!

What do you call an ice cream with magical powers? A scoopernatural phenomenon!

How do you cheer up an ice cream? Give it a pep-permint talk!

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What do you call a philosophical ice cream? A cone-templator!

What’s an ice cream’s favorite type of story? A chilling tale!

What do you call an ice cream that’s a spy? A double scoop agent!

What do you say an ice cream to comfort it? My cone-dolences.

What do you call an ice cream cone that’s a philosopher? Cone-fucius!

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Why did the ice cream write a blog? To share its flavor of the month!

What’s an ice cream’s favorite movie? “Cone With the Wind”!

Why did the ice cream go to the disco? To show off its twist and swirl moves!

Why did the ice cream go to the park? To have a cone-templative stroll!

Why did the ice cream go to the art gallery? To admire the cone-temporary art!

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