The Match Lab

38 Best Corn Jokes


What did the baby corn ask the mommy corn? “Where is popcorn?”

What do you call corn that joins the army? Kernel.

Why did the corn go to jail? For stalking.

What’s a corn’s favorite genre of music? Pop.

What do you get when you cross corn with a spider? Cobwebs.

Why shouldn’t you tell secrets on a farm? Because the corn has ears!

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What’s a corn’s favorite type of joke? Corny jokes!

What do you call a corn that’s a bodybuilder? A husky corn.

Why did the corn start a blog? To share its kernels of wisdom.

Why was the corn so good at math? It knew its ear-ithmetic.

Why don’t corn secrets ever stay hidden? Because they always pop up!

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What’s a corn’s favorite game? Going through a cobstacle course.

Why did the corn get an award? For being outstanding in its field.

Why did the corn go to the party? To pop and lock.

What’s a corn’s favorite movie? The Corn Identity.

What do you call a corn that’s a spy? A covert cob.

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What do you call a corn’s father? Pop corn!

Why was the corn so good at hide and seek? It was a-maize-ing at hiding.

What’s a corn’s favorite fashion accessory? Ear-rings.

What do you call a corn that’s a comedian? A stand-up kernel.

What’s a corn’s favorite type of art? Cob-stract.

Why was the corn such a good listener? It was all ears.

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Why was the corn so good at martial arts? It had great hand-ear coordination.

What’s a corn’s favorite cereal? Corn pops.

Why was the corn such a good musician? It had an ear for tune.

Why did the corn stop listening to the radio? Because it had heard enough pop.

What do you call a corn that’s lost? Amaize-d and confused.

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