The Match Lab

25 Best Monkey Jokes


Why don’t monkeys play cards on the savannah?
Too many cheetahs around!

What do you call two monkeys sharing an Amazon account?

What do you call a monkey in a minefield?
A baboom!

What do you call a monkey with a wand?
Hairy Potter!

Why did the monkey go to the doctor?
He had a case of jungle fever!

What do you call a monkey who loves potato chips?
A chipmunk!

What do you call a monkey with a banana in each ear?
Anything you want — they can’t hear you!

What do you call a monkey who wins every game?
A chimp-ion!

Why did the monkey cross the road?
Because the chicken had the day off.

What’s a monkey’s favorite dance move?
The banana split.

Why did the monkey like the banana?
Because it was a-peeling! 🍌

Read: 43 Best Banana Jokes

What do you call a monkey who raps?
Monkey bars!

Why did the monkey break up with his girlfriend?
She was driving him bananas!

Why do monkeys make terrible storytellers?
They only have one tale!

What’s a monkey’s favorite holiday?
Ape-ril fools day!

How do monkeys get locked up in jail?
Behind monkey bars!

What do you call a monkey flying in the sky?
A hot air baboon!

What’s a monkey’s favorite snack?
Chocolate chimp cookies! 🍪

What’s a monkey’s favorite type of music?
Jungle beats!

What do you call a monkey in a tree?
A branch manager!

Why did King Kong climb the Empire State Building?
Because he couldn’t fit in the lift.

What do monkeys wear when they’re cooking?

What’s a monkey’s favorite Christmas song?
Jungle Bells.

What’s a monkey’s favorite clothing store?
Banana Republic.

Read: 50 Best Deez Nuts Jokes

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