The Match Lab

25 Best Monkey Jokes


What do you call a monkey in a minefield? A baboom! 💣

What do you call a monkey who loves potato chips? A chipmunk!

What do you call two monkeys sharing an Amazon account? Prime-mates! 🐵🐵

What do you call a monkey with a wand? Hairy Potter!

What’s a monkey’s favorite holiday? Ape-ril fools day! 🙉

Why did the monkey like the banana? Because it was a-peeling! 🍌

Read: 43 Best Banana Jokes

How do monkeys get locked up in jail? Behind monkey bars!

Why did the monkey go to school? To improve his ape-titude!

Why do monkeys make terrible storytellers? They only have one tale!

Why don’t monkeys play cards in the jungle? There are too many lying cheetahs!

What’s a monkey’s favorite snack? Chocolate chimp cookies! 🍪

What do monkeys wear when they’re cooking? Ape-rons!

Read: 30 Best Rizz Jokes

What do you call a monkey with a banana in each ear? Anything you want — they can’t hear you!

What’s a monkey’s favorite dance? The banana split! 🍌

What do you call a monkey in a tree? A branch manager!

What’s a monkey’s favorite type of music? Jungle beats!

Why did the monkey break up with his girlfriend? She was driving him bananas!

Read: 50 Best Deez Nuts Jokes

Why did the monkey take a ladder to school? It was high school!

What do you call a monkey who wins every game? A chimp-ion!

How do monkeys make a quick exit? They banana split!

What do you call it when a monkey raps? Monkey bars!

What do you call an angry monkey? Furious George!

Read: 40 Best Little Johnny Jokes

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