30 Best Friday Jokes for Work
What do Fridays and Prozac have in common?
They both make your troubles disappear.
Why don’t people like jokes about Friday?
Their sense of humor is week (weak).
What’s scarier than Friday the 13th?
Monday the 16th.
Why is Friday my laptop’s favorite day?
It finally gets to sleep.
What’s the best way to exercise on Friday?
Running out the clock.
What’s the best productivity hack for Friday?
Putting things off until Monday.
What’s the difference between Friday and a balloon?
Both are uplifting, but Friday doesn’t pop under pressure.
Friday is like a superhero that always arrives just in time to stop me from brutally beating my alarm clock.
How do you ruin someone’s Friday?
Remind them it’s still Thursday.
Read: 30 Funniest Monday Jokes
What do Fridays and a cup of coffee have in common?
Both are the best part of waking up.
Why did Friday bring a suitcase to work?
Because it was packed with weekend plans.
Why was Friday a superhero?
Because it always saves the weekend.
What do you call a burst of energy at work on Friday?
A rare occurrence.
Why do clocks seem to laugh on Fridays?
They know the joke’s on us — time doesn’t actually go faster.
Why did Friday become pessimistic?
Because it realized the next day is a sadder day.
What’s the difference between Friday and a birthday party?
One you’re expected to bring a gift to; the other is the gift.
What’s the most popular form of exercise at work on Friday?
Running out of patience.
Why do pencils take off early on Fridays?
They can’t deal with any more pointless meetings.
How do you know it’s Friday at work?
My computer just sighed in relief.
What’s Friday’s favorite day of the week?
What do you call a Friday with back-to-back meetings?
A practical joke.
Read: 52 Dad Joke Pick Up Lines
What’s every fish’s least favorite day of the week?
What’s the official work motto on Friday?
“Can it wait till Monday?”
Why do office computers love Fridays?
They get to unplug and finally go to sleep.
What’s the difference between Friday and a treadmill?
On Friday, you’re actually going somewhere.
Why did the office clock always run faster on Fridays?
It couldn’t wait for happy hour.
Why did Friday bring a suitcase to work?
Because it was packed with weekend plans.
What’s Friday’s favorite magic spell?
The weekendus appearus.
What do office workers and bears have in common on Friday?
Both go into hibernation mode.
What’s the difference between Friday and a photo?
One makes everyone smile without saying “cheese.”
What do you call a Friday in customer service?
A patience test.
What’s the best part about the office on Friday?
Seeing the “closed” sign from the outside.
Why did Han go shopping on Black Friday?
Because the prices were Solo.
What does Friday bring to the potluck?
Week-“end”-ive salad!
Why did the French chef not realize it was Friday?
It Crêpe’d up on him.
Why did the man at the calendar factory sit cutting all the Fridays out?
He wanted a day off.
Read: 20 Best Thursday Jokes