The Match Lab

35 Best Pizza Jokes


Why did the pizza maker go broke? He just couldn’t make enough dough.

Where does pizzas sleep at night? In the Pizza Hut.

What’s a pizza’s favorite movie? Slice Age.

What do you call someone who can’t decide what kind of pizza to get? IndeSLICEsive.

    What do you call a fake pizza? A pepperphony.

    What’s the difference between a good pizza joke and a bad one? The delivery.

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      What do you call a sleeping pizza? A piZZZZa.

      Why did the pizza spend extra time in the oven? It wanted to burn more calories.

      Why was the pizza so good at math? Because it had pi in its genes.

      What did Mike Tyson say to the pizza? “You wanna pizza me?”

      What’s a pizza’s favorite sport? Crust country running.

      Why don’t pizzas like bad jokes? Because they’re too cheesy.

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      Why did the tomato sauce turn red? Because it saw the side salad dressing.

      How does a pizza chef confess his love? “You stole a pizza my heart.”

      Why did the pizza cross the road? To deliver itself to the hungry person on the other side.

      What did the pizza say to the side salad? “Lettuce be friends.”

      Why was the pizza so smart? It was a deep dish thinker.

      What did the pizza say to the delivery guy? “You don’t pepper-own-me.”

      Read: 25 Best ‘What’s the Difference Between…’ Jokes

      Why was the pizza always the life of the party? It was so saucy.

      Why did the pizza get a job? To make some dough.

      Why did the pizza lose the race? It couldn’t keep up with the fast food.

      What did the pizza have a crush on the oven? It was too hot to handle.

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      What do you call a pizza that’s full of energy? A pep-peroni pizza.

      What do you call a pizza that’s a master of disguise? Incogni-dough.

      Why did the pizza want to become an astronaut? It wanted to explore the outer crust.

      What did the pizza say to the sick topping? “Get well soon, we knead you!”

      Read: 30 Best Rizz Jokes

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