The Match Lab

40 Best Shark Jokes


What do sharks order at McDonald’s? A quarter flounder with cheese!

What do you get when you cross a shark and a snowman? Frostbite!

What’s a shark’s favorite sandwich? Peanut butter and jellyfish!

Why don’t sharks like fast food? Because they can’t catch it!

Why are sharks such good musicians? They know their scales!

Why did the shark cross the Great Barrier Reef? To get to the other tide!

Why don’t sharks eat clownfish? Because they taste funny!

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Why was the shark blushing? Because it saw the ocean’s bottom!

Why do sharks live in saltwater? Because pepper water makes them sneeze!

Why don’t sharks play basketball? They’re afraid of the net!

Why did the shark go to the doctor? It had a fin-fection!

What’s a shark’s favorite game? Swallow the leader!

What’s a shark’s favorite sci-fi show? Shark Trek!

What do you call a shark with a tie? Sofishticated!

What do sharks eat for dessert? Octo-pie!

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Why did the shark go to the party? To have a whale of a time!

What’s a shark’s favorite type of music? Rock and roe!

Why did the shark go to the bank? To deposit some clams!

What do sharks eat for breakfast? Fish and ships!

What’s a shark’s favorite kind of party? A fin-raiser!

Why did the shark go to the gym? To work on its dorsal muscles!

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Why don’t sharks like to play poker? They’re afraid of the river!

Why did the shark go to the candy shop? To buy some jawbreakers!

Why don’t sharks like to play football? They’re afraid of the tackle!

Why did the shark go to the party? To take a bite out of life!

What’s a shark’s favorite TV show? Shark Tank!

What’s a shark’s favorite type of story? A tail of adventure!

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Why did the shark go to the gym? To work on its fin-ness!

What’s a shark’s favorite kind of music? Fin-strumentals!

Why don’t sharks like to play tennis? They’re afraid of the net!

What’s a shark’s favorite movie? Jawshank Redemption!

Why did the shark go to the carnival? To ride the ferris whale!

What do you call a shark that’s a superhero? Part of the Fin-tastic Four!

Why did the shark break up with its girlfriend? She had too many fishy excuses!

Why was the shark so handsome? He had a killer jawline!

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