The Match Lab

How to Answer the ‘Together We Could’ Hinge Prompt


Hinge is all about creating meaningful relationships between users, focusing on compatibility.

That’s why “Together we could” is one of the best Hinge prompts.

Understanding the ‘Together We Could’ Hinge Prompt

This prompt focuses on what types of things you and a partner could do together. It gives an idea of what your life together could look like.

When answering this prompt, the key is to showcase your personality, goals, and ideals for your romantic life.

Give a picture of what you want your relationship to look like, especially on a day-to-day basis.

Think about activities, hobbies, or shared interests that you believe both you and your potential match might enjoy doing together in the future.

The more thoughtful your response to this prompt, the more likely you are to attract someone who genuinely complements your life and values.

Read: How to Answer the ‘My Simple Pleasures’ Hinge Prompt

11 Best Ways to Answer the ‘Together We Could’ Prompt on Hinge

When crafting your response to this prompt, focus on being genuine, engaging, and confident.

When thinking about what to write for this prompt answer, reflect on your past dating experiences or relationships as a starting point.

What activities or experiences did you enjoy that you’d want to share with a new partner?

With that in mind, here are our tips for some specific ways to craft a strong answer to this prompt.

1. Using Humor

This prompt gives you an opportunity to showcase your witty side with some funny Hinge prompt answers.

Try incorporating humor by making a lighthearted joke or using a pun that can make your potential match smile and even initiate a conversation.

For example, if you have a cat, you could write an answer like:

Together we could … train my cat to do stand-up comedy. Trust me, he’s got some killer material.

Read: How to Answer the ‘First Round is on Me If’ Hinge Prompt

2. Bond Over Dislikes

Sometimes, bonding over shared dislikes can be just as effective as bonding over shared interests.

For this prompt, a good answer can be to write about something that’s negative in a lighthearted way, like an activity or food you hate.

When someone who shares that dislike sees your profile, they’ll feel more connected to you and may be more likely to match and start up conversation.

An example prompt answer could be:

Together we could … create a secret handshake for people who hate small talk at parties.

Read: How to Answer the ‘Typical Sunday’ Hinge Prompt

3. Starting Conversation

No matter which Hinge prompt you’re using, the goal is always to start conversation.

So, with the “Together we could” prompt, including interesting or thought-provoking information that opens the door to banter, hot takes, or follow-up questions can act as a great conversation starter.

Here’s an example conversation starter response that’s a bit more out there:

Together we could … build a time machine. If you could visit any time period, past or future, where would you go?

Read: 34 Hinge Conversation Starters and Icebreakers That Actually Work

4. Showcasing Your Interests

The best “Together we could” prompt answers are usually those that share something about your hobbies, passion, or interests.

This helps attract a potential match who notices things you have in common.

Showcasing your interests in this prompt response allows you to give an authentic representation of yourself while also finding someone with similar tastes.

For example:

Together we could … discover new scenic hikes, challenge our friends at board games nights, and look for our dream beach house on Zillow.

Read: How to Answer ‘The Dorkiest Thing About Me Is’ Hinge Prompt

5. Talk About Travel

A love for travel is widely viewed as an attractive interest.

Especially on Hinge.

You can use Hinge’s “Together we could” prompt to discuss places you’d like to travel in the future.

This can build excitement, show your adventurous side, and spark conversation about past and planned trips.

Here’s an example prompt answer to share a love for travel:

Together we could … backpack our way through Europe — Paris, Rome, and Venice have long been on my bucket list.

Read: How to Answer the ‘Best Travel Story’ Hinge Prompt

6. Injecting Personality

Make sure your response to this prompt highlights your personality.

Be original and unique in your answer to give the reader an insight into the real you, beyond your photos and basic information.

Being unapologetically yourself can help you find a compatible match.

For example, if you’re a homebody, you might say:

Together we could … spend quiet nights in, putting our board game skills to the test and cuddling through movie marathons 

7. Be Quirky

Trying something offbeat or quirky can make your profile stand out and even make you more attractive.

Find something unusual or peculiar about yourself to showcase, especially something that can spark curiosity and invite others to learn more.

An example prompt answer that shares something quirky could be:

Together we could … become foodies but in a weird way. I once tried a garlic-flavored ice cream. What’s the weirdest food combination you’ve had?”

Read: 40 Funny Hinge Prompt Answers (for Guys & Women)

8. Being Honest and Genuine

It can be tempting to just say what sounds attractive on Hinge.

But keep in mind that honesty is essential if you want to make meaningful matches on any dating app.

In writing your prompt answer, stay true to yourself and avoid expressing interest in things you’re not interested in or exaggerating any statements.

We don’t have an example prompt answer for this tip.

Because making up an answer wouldn’t be very honest of us 🙂

Read: The 39 Best Hinge Openers to Start Conversation

9. Maintaining Originality

Answer this prompt in a way that’s original.

Try to write something that nobody else has ever written on Hinge before.

Avoid using cliché or overly common responses, as these might make your profile lack any individuality.

Instead, focus on being unique, vivid, and descriptive.

10. Showcasing Your Talents

Good prompt answers often highlight your unique talents and skills in a way that’s confident yet humble and approachable.

A good tip is to showcase unusual skills or a hidden talent related to something you’re passionate about.

For example, if you love rock climbing, you could write:

Together we could … go on a bouldering gym tour of the country and master every V8 around.

Read: How to Write a Good ‘Two Truths and a Lie’ Hinge Prompt

11. Opening to Your Personal Life

Sharing little details about your life can make a connection feel more personal and genuine.

Some ways to do this are to discuss your hobbies, share your simple pleasures, and tell your family values.

Here are example prompt answers:

Demonstrating your hobbies:

Together we could … explore new hiking trails and share our favorite podcasts along the way.

Share your passion for simple pleasures:

Together we could … spend Sundays trying out new brunch spots and tackling the crossword puzzle.

Offer a glimpse into your family values:

Together we could … create a memorable Thanksgiving tradition, blending our family recipes and inventing a few of our own.

Read: 12 Best Hinge Profile Pictures: Tips for Photos to Use on Hinge

How NOT to Answer the ‘Together We Could’ Prompt

DON’T: Write Generic Responses

Avoid generic or unoriginal answers that blend in with all the other profiles on the app.

Instead of simply saying “go to the movies” or “travel the world,” think of specific experiences or hobbies you want to share with someone.

This enables you to stand out and reveal your unique personality.

Read: How to Start a Conversation on Hinge: 17 Tips

DON’T: Resort to Dishonesty

Honesty is the best policy when it comes to dating apps, particularly in Hinge prompts.

Crafting responses that contain half-truths or blatant lies might seem like a good idea to create a flashy profile.

However, in the long run, dishonesty can lead to unfulfilling connections or disappointments.

DON’T: Overshare Personal Information

While it’s important to give potential matches insight into your life, sharing too much personal information can be risky.

You need to find a balance between being open about your interests and hobbies, but also valuing your privacy.

The key is to provide just enough information to spark curiosity and initiate conversations.

Read: How to Write Good Hinge Prompt Answers: 12 Tips & Examples

More Example Answers to the ‘Together We Could’ Hinge Prompt

Coming up with funny answers for the ‘Together we could’ Hinge prompt is all about showcasing your humor and wit.

Think about shared interests or experiences that could lead to laughter.

Here are some example prompt answers to get you thinking:

Together we could take our puppies on playdates and watch them make better choices than we do.

Together we could try every single ice cream flavor until we find the absolute best one.

Together we could create our own language that only we understand, for those awkward family gatherings.

Together we could compare our equally terrible dance moves and make everyone else feel better about themselves.

Together we could attempt to cook a fancy dinner, accidentally set off the smoke alarm, and then order pizza.

Together we could try to find the first date spot with the least probability of running into someone we know.

Together we could write a best-selling book titled ‘101 Creative Uses for a Potato.’

Together we could launch a podcast where we discuss the most bizarre conspiracy theories, complete with dramatic reenactments.

Together we could master the art of parallel parking and become legendary in the world of tight spaces.

Together we could create a ‘Mismatched Sock’ fashion line that revolutionizes laundry day.

Read: 11 Tips for Making an Irresistible Hinge Profile

Have a Professional Dating Profile Writer Answer Your Hinge Prompts for You

Want a professional dating profile writer to select three Hinge prompts for your profile and write your prompt answers for you?

Check out our dating profile writing service and select the Hinge app icon to get started.

And for help selecting your best six photos for Hinge, try our dating photo analyzer.

Just upload some photos of yourself, and our algorithm will reveal which photos you should be using in your profile and the ideal order they should go in.

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